So Much Fitness In The Building!
Arena Ready had 20% of the 2017 NorCal Individual CrossFit Games Regional female athletes in the building this weekend, and the four ladies got after the six announced Regional workouts together in good spirits. Sunday afternoon was a fun and furious finale which entailed a run through of Regional Events 5 and 6.
Thanks to our super fit friends Bri Gaipa and Shannon de Peralta for coming over and pushing Cassie and Sarah during these prep sessions! It will be fun to watch all four of these awesome women battle it out with the fittest in the "SuperRegion" in just two weeks - 2017 CrossFit Games Regionals here we come!
The FIVE stages of woking out, with four of the fittest women in the country:
1) Stand around for a while and talk about how sore you are:
2) Do the actual workouts, eventually.
3) Lay on the sidewalk in dramatic fashion and talk about how bad the workouts were:
4) Get yourself together just enough for a group photo:
5) Eat breakfast/brunch together and thank our patient server for accommodating the oddest combination of sides and substitutions conceivable (brunch photo not available, sadly).
WOD for 05-15-17:
AMRAP 18 Minutes:
18/15 Calorie Row
18 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in
18 Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches @ 55/35 lbs (alternating)
18 Walking Lunges
18 Handstand Push-ups