Evans Avenue Parking
I know we've posted about it many times, but here's another reminder to please utilize Evans Avenue (just off of Cesar Chavez) for parking when the bottom of Connecticut Street near the gym is full. Don't drive up the hill to park.
Evans Avenue parking is especially useful during the 7am, 12pm, and 4pm classes when parking immediately next to the gym can sometimes get full (particularly on Wednesdays during street cleaning). As you would anywhere in the city, be sure not to leave any valuables in the car or any items visible from the outside.
I get it - it "feels" like going over to Evans is driving farther away from the gym for some reason - but it's not. It puts you just 1,000 feet or so away from the gym (through two crosswalks), and there's almost always plenty of free parking available - check out a visual orientation by clicking here:
The blue dot is Arena Ready... the red pin is where you should park instead of driving up the hill on Connecticut Street. See, not so far - in fact, I think the 3 minute walking estimate is only accurate if you have to wait at both crosswalks.
WOD for 07-06-17:
"Plan B"
A) From 0:00 - 15:00
Bent Over Barbell Row:
B) From 17:00 - 22:00
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53 lbs
10 Ring Rows
5 Kettlebell Goblet Squats
C) From 27:00 - 33:00
"AMRAP Annie"
AMRAP 6 Minutes:
25 Unbroken Double Unders
25 AbMat Sit-ups
(Compare to 10-26-16)