Flashback Friday: "Randy" at Regionals
Flashback to two years ago at the 2015 CrossFit Games California Regional where Event 1 was "Randy." Coach Sarah and a "pre-Arena Ready" Cassie Ann Ludwig were actually in the same heat - as it turns out that was the last time that would happen, including this past year when they both qualified as AR athletes for the 2017 Regional (not once did we get a heat with both of them together this year!). Times of 2:48 and 3:21 are still not too shabby two years later, even including the requirements to run out to the barbell, move the barbell every 25 reps, and then run to the finish mat.
Who's ready for "Randy" on Friday?!
WOD for 07-07-17:
6-6-6-6 @ 30X3
Climbing. If possible add to last week's 8s.
For an explanation of the tempo notation click the "Tempo Back Squat" link above to be directed to the appropriate blog post.
For Time:
75 Power Snatches @ 75/55 lbs
(Compare to 05-07-15 and 01-02-13)