Monday Evening Yoga Reminder

Dani had a nice turnout once again during Sunday morning's yoga class, and we wanted to post a reminder that she's also teaching a Monday evening (Sep 18) class at 7pm as well!

For what to expect during one of Dani's yoga classes click here to read a previous post.  Remember that yoga is available to all Arena Ready members as a part of your membership (there is no charge to attend!) - we simply ask that you sign-up for class in advance so that Dani knows how many to expect, and bring your own mat if you have one (we have a few to borrow if you don't).  All levels of experience are welcome.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

WOD For 09-18-17:

AMRAP 18 Minutes:

18 Calorie Row OR Assault Bike

18 AbMat Sit-ups

1, 2, 3, 4, etc... Rounds of "Nate"


Rounds of "Nate" start at one and then increase by one every time the athlete completes the preceding AbMat Sit-ups:

18 Calorie Row

18 AbMat Sit-ups

1 Round of "Nate"

18 Calorie Row

18 AbMat Sit-ups

2 Rounds of "Nate"

18 Calorie Row

18 AbMat Sit-ups

3 Rounds of "Nate"

Etc... until 18 minutes expires.


1 Round of "Nate" is:

2 Muscle-ups

4 Handstand Push-ups

8 KB Swings @ 70/53 lbs

Jenny Morgan