Lost & Found: Final Call

Reminder to check the Lost & Found for your stuff this week, as we'll be donating the remaining contents to charity after the weekend.

Thanks for your attention!

WOD For 01-16-18:

With a Partner on a Running Clock...

A) From 0:00 - 18:00

For Time (BOTH Athletes Complete 10-to-1):


Squat Cleans @ 135/95 lbs

Box Jumps @ 24/20 in


One athlete working at a time. An athlete completes one FULL round (e.g. 10 SqCl and 10 BJ) before TAGGING their partner to start their full round.

For example:
Partner A does 10 & 10
Partner B does 10 & 10
Partner A does 9 & 9
Partner B does 9 & 9


B) From 18:00 - 30:00

Strict Press (Cycle 2, Week 3):

***Add 5 lbs to your Cycle 1 "Base" weight for your Cycle 2 "Base" weight, then...

75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+ (AKA "Max Effort" or "as many reps as you can safely perform")


Jenny Morgan