"High Pull & Wear Pants - Same Movement"

Fairly off-topic with regard to Tuesday's workout, but on Monday evening someone (ahem, Vivian) asked me about the "wear pants" analogy I made once when teaching the clean high pull.  She was reminded of my weird movement analogies thanks to Zach's reference of "zip up your jacket" on dumbbell snatches.  Thanks, Zach.  Hope you enjoyed that 18.Zero, buddy.

Well, at the time I did cite the "high pull, wear pants - same movement" reference (in my best Russian accent) to the internet's favorite Olympic weightlifter, Dmitry Klokov, which is where I first heard the amazing coaching cue originate.  And just so you know I'm not making this up, here's a video of the man himself making this exact analogy while coaching an athlete:

"High pull and wear pants, same movement."


WOD For 01-23-18:

Strict Press (Cycle 2, Week 4 "De-Load Week"):

***Add 2.5 - 5 lbs to your Cycle 1 "Base" weight for your Cycle 2 "Base" weight, then...

40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5 

Don't worry about using a rack. Light & easy de-load - the weights go up again next week!




Against a 20-Minute Clock:

1000m Run

50/35 Calorie Row

25 Shoulder-to-Overhead @ 155/105 lbs

... Then, in the Remaining Time AMRAP of "Cindy"...

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups 

15 Air Squats


Score is total rounds & reps of "Cindy" completed.

Jenny Morgan