NorCal Masters Comp: Coach Kim's Highlight's

First up on the highlights update from this past weekend's NorCal Masters Competition: Coach Kim!

I think it's fair to say that when the workouts/events were announced for this competition that Kim was, shall we say, less than thrilled.  The tests didn't quite play to her strengths on paper, but much like everything Kim commits to attacking, she made sure to maintain a positive attitude and went into the weekend thinking this would be a great opportunity to rise to the occasion.

And rise to the occasion she did.  In placing 10th overall for the weekend Kim accumulated two scored-event wins in the shuttle/KB swing/pull-up workout by edging-out a CrossFit Games athlete in the final minutes of the back-to-back WODs.  And, in another amazing performance, she braved a nagging calf to finish near the top on the 800m medicine ball run-- and then followed that up by immediately racking up 45 REPS OF BACK SQUATS IN 2 MINUTES to nearly win her final event!  It was only 1 rep shy of the event win, and this is in a field of athletes whose max squat numbers (and correspondingly, bodyweight) are almost entirely above Kim's by a decent margin.

That performance in her last event pretty much sums up what Kim's competitive spirit is all about.  You may be stronger than her, and you may be faster than her (probably not), but we're willing to bet you're not tougher than her -- and that toughness will never, ever stop.  Which is probably why she will never, ever stop inspiring so many around her -- her coaches, her fellow athletes, and even the spectators that were in attendance this past weekend.     

We've said it before, but I'll say it again -- when I grow up, I want to be like Kim Tom.      

WOD For 01-30-18:

Strict Press (Cycle 3, Week 1):

***Add 2.5 to 5 lbs to your Cycle 2 "Base" weight for your Cycle 3 "Base" weight, then...

65% x 5 

75% x 5

85% x 5+ (AKA "Max Effort" or "as many reps as you can safely perform")




"2018 NorCal Masters Event 1 (ish)"

Against an 8-Minute Clock:

Establish a 4-Rep Max Thruster


You get 4 more minutes than our masters competitors had this past weekend in competition - this is to give you an opportunity to take a few warm-up sets and to be smart about your increases in weight. 


-REST 5 MINUTES (again, 4 more minutes than our competitors had), then-


"2018 NorCal Masters Event 2"

AMRAP 8 Minutes (Following an Ascending Rep Scheme of 3/3 - 6/6 - 9/9 - 12/12, etc...):

Thrusters @ 155/105 lbs

Lateral Bar Burpees


The 155/105 lbs thruster loading was programmed for the 35-39 year-old age division (AKA the youngest "masters" division).  Scaling for the thruster loading will be provided in the gym, and will include all masters age divisions should you be curious as to what that was.

Stepping over the barbell on the burpee is permitted.  Enjoy it while it lasts. 

If your name is Kim, Hillary, Amy, or Alyssa then you're welcome to do Monday's AMRAP following the strict press session. 

Jenny Morgan