AR Parking Etiquette
Now that we’ve settled in our new space a bit we thought it might be helpful to post about parking etiquette for the building’s 5(ish) available/dedicated spaces.
Depending on your usual class time most of you have already found your parking groove at this location — and although many more of you now walk/jog/scoot/skate/bike to the gym on a regular basis, we realize that there are still folks that frequently drive. While a loop or two around the block can usually yield a spot we’ve been recommending folks to try their luck on the Bernal Heights side of Cesar Chavez, since during most times of the day there are almost always spaces to be found within 2-3 blocks of AR.
If you happen to be a member that grabs one of our dedicated “first come, first served” spaces while attending class then we want to clarify a few parking etiquette guidelines that will make things easier for others who are also parking adjacent to the building.
So, here we go:
1) Sorry, We Are Not a Parking Lot
Please only park in one of our spaces if you’re attending class, and only while you’re attending class. Don’t leave your car parked there for several hours while you go run errands or eat lunch in the neighborhood (yes, this has happened several times and I almost ticketed the cars not knowing who they belonged to at the time). Even during times when classes are not being held there are still coaches and employees that need to park for various reasons.
2) Shotwell Parks THREE Across
When parking on the Shotwell side of the building remember that the spaces FIT THREE CARS ACROSS so kindly park accordingly (see photo below). This means that the car on the left needs to be as far left as possible and the car on the right needs to be as far right as possible — the painted lines no longer apply thanks to the adjacent construction (we are looking into fixing that). If one car messes this up then three spaces becomes one, or maybe two at best. And then you’re THAT guy (or gal).
Three cars exhibiting good parking feng shui. You can imagine how frustrating it is for a coach or another member (or even, say, a gym owner with a car full of gym supplies boxes, a baby, and a dog) to drive up to the gym and see one car taking up two of the three available spots.
3) Cesar Chavez Parks TWO Front-to-Back
This set-up is much harder to photograph so I don’t have a picture to share. But the point is that if you’re parking in the driveway of Cesar Chavez then park with the thought in mind that two cars can fit (one behind the other) in the space formed by the curb cutout of our driveway and the small curbed section that ends at the AutoZone parking lot exit. That small curbed section is not really a full spot (even though strangers park there frequently) so if it’s empty when you pull up to the gym then take that space first by pulling as far forward as possible — thus leaving a full space behind you in the driveway for your class buddy or coach.
4) If You’re Parking a Motorcycle or Scooter Don’t Take a Space Meant For Cars
This one seems rather obvious to me as a former motorcycle commuter, but once again I’m proven wrong fairly regularly when I pull up to the gym and see a scooter smack in the middle of the driveway. Where do I park my hog or Vespa you ask? Here’s a good spot — we’ve even had up to 3 motorcycles parked here during one class:
That sign you see on the other side of this thoughtful member’s motorcycle is the one that says “Sidewalk Closed” so there’s no need to worry about blocking access as long as the Cesar Chavez sidewalk is clear.
If you happen to notice unauthorized vehicles parked in one of our spaces please don’t hesitate to let your coach, me, Sarah, or Dani know. We’re happy to address it with the appropriate action as needed. We’ll also be posting signs that discourage such behavior by non-members so that should help as well (we’ve waited until now to get a feel for the area first, and to work with the adjacent construction crew to communicate a mutual understanding of comings and goings).
Thanks for your attention and please let us know if you have any questions.
WOD For 10-24-18:
Every 2 Minutes For 7 Rounds:
4 Back Squats
*Start at a working weight — climbing is allowed.
*If possible add to your top set from last week 10-17-18.
AMRAP 9 Minutes:
44 Double Unders
22 Pistols (alternate)
11 Deficit Handstand Push-ups @ 4/2 in