Power Cleans & Power Tens

Because sometimes you think “the Open Gym Challenge for the month is just such a good benchmark that basically everyone should do it…”

Or, another way to look at it is — not enough people have done it thus far, so really, you only have each other to blame for this one.

Hooray for solidarity! Enjoy!

Some reflections on 2K approach and strategy from Shane Farmer

But in all seriousness, every coach on the schedule for Thursday classes is a STRONG rower so you’re going to get some great tips and strategy pointers on how best to approach your 2K — whether you’re brand new to the erg (hello, new members!) or a seasoned veteran. And bonus if you’re a 6am-er you’re going to get one of the best in the game (Coach Hillary) to guide you through tackling this tough little test at the most ungodly of hours.

Start thinking a little about your approach now — your start, your “settle-in” pace, the counting games or active mental exercises (distractions?) you use to block out the discomfort — so you can hit this one with a good, solid effort.

WOD For 10-25-18:

EMOM For 12 Minutes:

Minutes 1-4: 3 Power Cleans

Minutes 5-8: 2 Power Cleans

Minutes 9-12: 1 Power Clean

There is no rest minute between triples, doubles, and singles. Climbing during each four-minute segment is allowed but keep your technique clean (NO MISSES!).


For Time:

2000m Row

(Compare to the October Open Gym Challenge if you’re one of the few that have already done it, otherwise compare to 01-09-16 and 01-09-14)

Jenny Morgan