Karen DT Interrupted

Longtime Arena Ready members know we love our “DT” variations at this gym — I think we’ve probably created over a dozen WODs the last few years using the DT barbell sequence as a critical component.

Coach Steven and I were chatting during Open Gym recently about a workout we saw Jacob Heppner doing which involved… what else but “DT.” Oh, and “Karen” as well. So we took it, slightly massaged it to fit a good class structure and stimulus, and BOOM here’s your mid-week mash-up of two classic CrossFit WODs.

Blame Coach Steven. Or Jacob Heppner. Or both. Just don’t blame me because originally I planned on stretching for an hour and telling scary stories during Halloween Wednesday classes.

WOD For 10-31-18:

“Karen DT Interrupted”

For Time:

150 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

***Begin with 1 Round of "DT" (at 3-2-1 Go!) before starting the Wall Balls:

-12 Deadlifts @ 155/105 lbs

-9 Hang Power Cleans

-6 Push Jerks

***Every time you break on the Wall Balls perform 1 round of "DT"   

***A "break" on the Wall Balls is considered as any of the following:

-Dropping the ball

-Pausing while holding the ball (e.g. standing at the top, squatting at the bottom, shouldering the ball)

-Trapping the ball against the rig or wall to rest

(Workout inspired by Jacob Heppner)

Jenny Morgan