Glory Days: Good Luck Coach Kim!

This Saturday Coach Kim will compete against a talented field of masters athletes at the 2018 Glory Days competition. The good folks at CrossFit Anywhere in Folsom will be hosting the event, and Arena Ready alumnus Randy W will also be competing.

There is a group planning on making the trip up to Folsom to watch and cheer for Kim— so if you’re interested in a day of competitive exercise, and watching The Fittest Optometrist in SF CRUSH it on the competition floor, then hit up the private Arena Ready facebook group for carpooling plans.

Good luck Kim (and Randy)!

WOD For 11-01-18:

Every 90 Seconds For 12 Rounds (18 Minutes):

20 Unbroken Double Unders

1 Snatch

…Then, if NO MISSES…

6 Minutes OFF The Interval Timer For Three Singles:

Snatch 1-1-1

*Warm-up to a moderate starting weight prior to the 12 rounds, then either climb every few rounds OR stay at a challenging weight which still allows good technique

*Both power and full/squat snatches are allowed (athlete’s choice!)

Jenny Morgan