The A, B, C, Ds of Sweaty Saturday...
Happy weekend, friends!
WOD For 10-06-18:
With a Partner Against a 25-Minute Clock:
A) 800m Run TOGETHER
B) 50 Walking Lunges EACH (one partner must always be holding the team’s wall ball)
C) Split the Following (with only one partner working at a time):
100 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
150 KB Swings @ 53/35 lbs
200 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 109 ft
D) MAX CALORIE Row (only one partner rowing at a time, share the same rower)
*Score = total calories rowed
*If you don’t make it to Part D then note your total reps completed of Part C
*Parts B and C can be started immediately by the faster partner, but Part D cannot start until all wall ball reps have been completed