Monday: Pull, Push, Jump

This one’s light, but it may not be as fast as you make initially think… have fun!

WOD For 10-08-18:

For Time:


Deadlifts @ 185/125 lbs

Hand Release Push-ups

Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

If your feet/toes come off the ground on the push-ups you’re basically kipping and you probably look like a fish flopping on the deck of a boat. Take some pride in your push-ups and cut it out.

Oh and for the competitors… everyone can break the deads at regular intervals and game themselves toward a predictable and respectable time. But can you hold on to this light weight unbroken and let the chips fall where they may? And no, that doesn’t mean deadlift like a dog pooping - take care of your back, friends!

Jenny Morgan