REMINDER: AR Annual Holiday Party - December 15th

Four weeks ago Dani invited all of you to our annual Arena Ready Holiday Party via the private Facebook Group event she created and we wanted to remind everyone that the party will take place on Saturday, December 15th. The festivities will start around 5pm that evening.

As with prior years, and in response to the overwhelming requests to keep the tradition alive, we will be hosting the party at Arena Ready and will welcome folks to bring anything they’d like to share (encouraged but not required of course). If you’ve been to a few of these shindigs in prior years you know how passionate everyone gets about some of the annual favorites which have now become the topic of AR folklore and literal “save me some by hiding it somewhere in the gym because I can’t get there until 7pm” requests.

We’ll be providing some snacks and food of our own to add to the perennial spread of legendary mainstays. Rumor has it that a few new games may even make their way into mix. More details & reminders to come but please do save the date if you haven’t already and RSVP to the event Dani created here on the private Facebook Arena Ready Group (request to be added if you’re a member of the gym and are not in the group!!!).

WOD For 12-01-18:

With a Partner…

7 Cycles of 2:00 Work / 1 :00 Rest For MAX REPS of Wall Balls:

14 Hand-Release Push-ups TOGETHER

14 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs SPLIT

MAX REPS Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft SPLIT

*Score = total number of Wall Balls completed

*HR Push-ups are completed together simultaneously (i.e. both partners do 14 reps at the same time and deadlifts cannot start until BOTH partners have completed push-ups)

*Deadlifts and Wall Balls are split with only one partner working at a time (reps do not have to be split evenly)

Jenny Morgan