Congrats Coach Kate!

Congrats to Coach Kate on the passing of her recent CrossFit Level-2 trainer course and exam! Kate becomes the sixth CrossFit Level-2 trainer on our awesome coaching staff, and we are excited to witness her continued growth and education as a leader in this community of athletes.

With over two dozen CrossFit Level-1 trainers in our general Arena Ready community, half a dozen Level-2 trainers, and two Level-3 trainers, we feel proud to have some of the most educated, engaged, and experienced coaches and members around!

WOD For 11-30-18:

DB or KB Turkish Get-up:


For Quality

1 Left then 1 Right = 1 Set


AMRAP 10 Minutes:

45 Double Unders

15 Single DB Hang Clean-to-Overhead @ 50/35 lbs (switch sides whenever)

5 Strict Pull-ups (any grip is allowed)



Med Ball Russian Twists @ pick load

1 Left then 1 Right = 1 Rep

Score = Lowest Round

Jenny Morgan