Thursday Snatch Complex + Work/Rest Intervals

After Wednesday’s 20-minute aerobic slog here’s a snatch complex session followed by a work/rest piece with some skill elements blended with interval work capacity.


WOD For 11-29-18:

1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats:

12 Minutes to Build to a Top Set


4 Rounds for Total Reps of Each Movement:

30 Seconds of Toes-to-Bar

30 Seconds of Rest

30 Seconds of Overhead Squats @ 115/80 lbs

30 Seconds of Rest

30 Seconds of Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 70/53 lbs

30 Seconds of Rest

Record scores for total reps of each of the three movements.

Jenny Morgan