The Tuesday Flip-Flop
Last Tuesday we flip-flopped the conventional “strength then met-con” sequence by placing our Back Squat 4s after a triplet of hinging, jumping, and upper body pushing. This Tuesday we put a spin on that spin by keeping the flip-flopped sequence, using a triplet format once again (but this time with light squatting at volume), and then Front Squatting 3s to follow.
It will be interesting for those of you who did last Tuesday’s programming to see how the tweaks in movement pattern combination and the front loading of the squats will affect your overall speed, intensity, and (relative) strength levels.
WOD For 11-06-18:
3 Rounds For Time:
22 Medicine Ball Sit-ups @ 20/14 lbs
33 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
22 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in
Front Squat (from the rack):
12 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Triple