The Real 6am MVP

This is what next-level mindfulness looks like.

Any guesses as to who it is???


The astute among you have sensed a reduction in overall volume this week and you would be correct. The trend continues on Thursday but (as to be expected) we still provide opportunities for heavier loads overhead and skilled intensity should your current state allow for either or both.

And yes, I just referred to a week that includes yesterday’s wall balls as a “reduction in overall volume.”

WOD For 12-06-18:

Push Press:


Climbing. Add to last week 11-26-18 if possible.


6 Rounds For Time:

16 Single Dumbbell Push Presses @ 50/35 lbs (switch sides after 8 reps)

8 Box Jumps @ 30/24 ln

4 Bar Muscle-ups

Jenny Morgan