Jenny Captures Open 18.1


Perhaps more anticipated every year at Arena Ready is not necessarily the Open workouts themselves, but rather Jenny's amazing photos capturing the spirit of the Open and of our awesome people.  Just as she has every year, Jenny manages to document the range of emotions, the tenacity of our athletes, the support of our community, and the beauty of this common bond that brings us all together -- challenging ourselves to be just a little better every day.

Here's the link to Jenny's Open 18.1 gallery.  Thank you as always, Jenny (AKA Oh Happy Dawn Photography) for all that you do!


WOD For 02-28-18:

Hang Power Clean:






3 Rounds For Time:

15 Pistols (alternating)

15 Handstand Push-ups

15 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs

Jenny Morgan