Arena Ready at the Kaiser 5K
Great job to the athletes who ran the Kaiser 5K on Sunday! Pretty cool to see this become a bit of an annual tradition thanks to Coaches Liz & Hillary -- and some faster times were had thanks in part to Coach Kim's track sessions!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
WOD For 02-05-18:
Power Clean + Squat Clean + Front Squat:
10 Minutes to Establish a Top Set
5 Rounds For TOTAL Time:
200m Run
11 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
7 Squat Cleans @ 155/110 lbs
1 Minute REST
The 1 minute of rest between rounds is mandatory and athletes are responsible for timing their own rest periods. Score for the workout is your total time, including the rest periods between rounds (do not add 1 minute of rest for the 5th & final round).