What Cross Country Skiing Reveals About The Human Condition

Thank you to Steven for sharing this article from the New York Times Magazine with me -- it's titled "What Cross Country Skiing Reveals About The Human Condition" (click for the full article) and is an insightful, entertaining (and quick) read.

With the Winter Olympics AND the CrossFit Open just around the corner I really enjoyed the piece, and particularly liked this excerpt (as did Steven):

"We are stranded on a planet that is largely indifferent to us, a world that sets mountains in our path and drops iceballs from 50,000 feet and tortures our skin with hostile air. There is no escaping it; the only noble choice is to strap on a helmet and slog right in. Cross-country skiing expresses something deep about the human condition: the absolute, nonnegotiable necessity of the grind. The purity and sanctity of the goddamn slog." 

WOD For 02-06-18:

Strict Press (Cycle 3, Week 2):

***Add 2.5 to 5 lbs to your Cycle 2 "Base" weight for your Cycle 3 "Base" weight, then...

70% x 3 

80% x 3

90% x 3+ (AKA "Max Effort" or "as many reps as you can safely perform")




"The AR Ugly Betty"

4 Rounds For Max Reps (40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest between movements):

Shoulder-to-Overhead @ 135/95 lbs

Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

Row or Assault Bike Calories

(Rest 1:20)

Jenny Morgan