A Snatch Start To Your Week

Our back squats will get a one day delay this week in light of our Saturday-Thursday air squat extravaganza combo (ramping-up for "Murph" anyone?).  

Hope you all had a great weekend!


Bianca snatchin' into this week like woah!

EVANS AVENUE PARKING REMINDER During Construction (click for details).

WOD For 04-16-18:

On a Running Clock...

A) From 0:00 - 12:00

2 Power Snatches + 2 Overhead Squats:

12 minutes to establish a top set


B) From 17:00 - 24:00

AMRep 7 Minutes w/Ascending Ladder Rep Scheme of 3/3-6/6-9/9-12/12-etc:

Power Snatches @ 95/65 lbs

Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups


C) From 29:00 - 33:00


Side Planks 

Alternate sides every interval for 4 total each of R and L.

Jenny Morgan