Going Up On a Tuesday: Partner Dumbbells
Just in case you were trying to forget it entirely, the single DB hang clean & "jerk" (?) is back!
EVANS AVENUE PARKING REMINDER During Construction (click for details).
WOD For 04-10-18:
3 Rounds For Quality:
160 ft Single KB Overhead Carry @ pick load (40 ft down & back Right THEN LEFT)
2 Sets of MAX Strict Pull-ups
This is for quality but move with a purpose. Use any grip for the pull-ups - your max set ends when you come off the pull-up bar (yes, people actually ask me that sometimes).
With a Partner For Time:
50 Burpees Over the Dumbbell
50 Single Dumbbell Hang Clean to Overhead @ 50/35 lbs (switch sides whenever you like)
50 Handstand Push-ups
50 Single Dumbbell Hang Clean to Overhead
50 Burpees Over the Dumbbell
Only one athlete working at a time, switching whenever the team desires. Reps do not have to be equally split, and athletes may switch sides on the DB C2OH whenever they like (no requirement of specific number of reps on either side). Just remember that blowing up one side will make you pay the price on HSPUs and on the second set of DB C2OHs.
For today we will allow a step-over on the DB burpee if needed (although jumping will be much faster, so jump if you'e able and feeling good).