Every Day Is Leg Day

Every day is leg day.  You all know that.

But this gem never gets old thanks to my asinine sense of humor  (language NSFW):

EVANS AVENUE PARKING REMINDER During Construction (click for details).

WOD For 04-09-18:

Back Squat:

6-6-6-6 Climbing to a Heavy Top* Set, then...

Two Drop Sets:

1x6 @ 85% of your top set

1x6 @ 80% of your top set

*If possible, add to your top set of SIX from last week 04-02-18.




"Are You There, Legs?"

AMRAP 8 Minutes:

10 Front Squats @ 135/95 lbs (no rack)

50 Double Unders


Clean the barbell from the floor. Yes, you may squat clean into the first rep of each set.  Use a weight you can do unbroken for at least the first 2-3 rounds. 

Jenny Morgan