Static Holds and Teamwork: They Make The Dream Work (Harder)
A couple of years ago Sarah and I watched the 2015 CFG Invitational streamed live from Spain (we've watched every year including in-person in 2014 when it was held in San Jose), and so began the idea of a fun team WOD involving rowing and static hold deadlifts. Of course, we wanted it to be approachable for all levels and allow everyone the chance to chase intensity with their teammates - so the movements were adapted, the time domain grew to initially meld it into a Sweaty Saturday Special, and we filled the adjacent days with movements that filled-in the complimentary gaps (Bar Muscle-ups on Tuesday anyone?).
Who's up for some mid-week strategy and sweating with a few AR friends?
WOD For 05-02-18:
In Teams of THREE Athletes...
3 Rounds For Time:
50 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs
70 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in
90 Calorie Row* (FFF = 63 Cal, FFM = 72 Cal, FMM = 81 Cal)
*One athlete MUST be in a static deadlift hold at the top of lock-out (hips and knees extended) in order for another athlete to accumulate row calories. If the static deadlift bar drops the row MUST STOP immediately and cannot resume until a deadlift bar is once again at the top of lock-out.
The reps for all three movements are shared, with one athlete working at a time (not including the athlete holding the static deadlift during the row).
(Compare to 05-11-17 and 07-30-16)