Arena Ready Entrances: Macho Man and Andre The Giant
Someone in the gym once said their favorite athlete of all time was Andre The Giant. I'm not making this up. Combine this bold statement of opinion with the name of Thursday's WOD and you've got yourself an opportunity for some serious WrestleMania nostalgia... which begs the important question:
If every time you entered the gym we played your entrance song on full blast, WHAT SONG WOULD YOU CHOOSE FOR YOUR ARENA READY ENTRANCE???!!!
Bonus points if you have a full wardrobe theme and accessories (and/or hype crew/manager/henchmen) also planned out for your strut through the doors and onto the gym floor.
WOD FOR 05-03-18:
Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Push Jerks:
10 Minutes To Establish Loading Heavier Than To Be Used Below
"Mini Macho Man"
EMOM For As Long As Possible (20 Minute Cap):
3 Power Cleans @ 155/105 lbs
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
(Compare to 04-14-17, 07-19-16, and 07-24-15)
*Workout courtesy of Ben Bergeron