Congrats To Our Contra Costa Throwdown Teams!
Congrats to our six athletes (three teams) who competed at the 2018 Contra Costa Throwdown on Sunday! In particular a big shout out goes to Patricia and Seiji for crushing it at their first ever local comp, and next to their teammates Coach Kate and Coach Steven they looked like experienced pros. We were so proud of the effort, solid movement, and positive attitudes these four displayed throughout the entire event - they definitely represented themselves and Arena Ready with integrity (hello, movement standards!) and grace.
And, of course, Coaches Hillary and Kim (AKA "The Old Fashioneds") deserve major props for winning their division and showing some of those masters teams what's up. I mean, how can you not root for this one-two punch!!??
Yes, Coach Hillary is barefoot with a beer on the podium
Nice work everyone, can't wait to cheer you all on again at the next competitive fitness fiesta... wherever that may take us!
WOD For 06-12-18:
1 Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks:
12 Minutes to Build to a Top Set
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
21 Russian KB Swings @ 70/53 lbs
21 Push Jerks @ 135/95 lbs
21 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in