New Toys: A Progress Update
The essentials of the brand new GIGANTIC pull-up rig are installed and complete, and while we have a bunch of cool & fun accessories we're still going to add the heavy lifting of the construction is done for this particular project. Hooray!
You'll likely also notice some other details (some subtle, some not so subtle) that we've implemented or are in the process of doing so -- new premium equipment storage units, chalk receptacles, plate stackers, pulling blocks, wall-mounted foam roller storage, indoor bicycle rack, wall ball targets, multi-phone charging station, vertical barbell racks, and several others in the works. It's a ton of new stuff we're excited about and we hope you enjoy it for years to come!
Thanks for your patience as we make our way through the list of new toys to assemble and enjoy at Aren Ready 3.0.
WOD For 06-14-18:
For Time:
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95/65 lbs
Front Rack Lunges (alternate)
Lateral Bar Burpees