"Little Frandy"

There we go again, messing with classics and remixing things that were just fine the way they were -- this one should be fun so get in here and give it a go!  

WOD For 07-11-18:

3-Position Power Snatch (mid-thigh, below knees, floor):

12 minutes to establish a top set with sound technique 




"Little Frandy"

For Time:


Power Snatches @ 75/55 lbs



***You must perform 4 Lateral Bar Burpees AFTER each rep round is completed (e.g. 10 Power Snatches, 10 Thrusters, 4 Lateral Bar Burpees, 9 Power Snatches, 9 Thrusters, 4 Lateral Bar Burpees, etc...).  Time is called after the tenth & final set of 4 Lateral Bar Burpees (1 Power Snatch, 1 Thruster, 4 Lateral Bar Burpees).

Jenny Morgan