Congrats Coach Kim!

A big congrats to Coach Kim for a job well done in the 2018 Kill Cliff Granite Games Qualifier!  Kim finished 16th overall when all was said and done, which is one heck of an achievement considering she is still on her path back from shoulder surgery and a partially torn Achilles (apparently she's WELL on her way according to this result!).

The Granite Games is one of the country's most high profile functional fitness events and the finals that take place every year in Minnesota are always filled with big-name, high-level CrossFitters from around the world.  CrossFit Games athletes, CFG Masters and Teens, and CFG Teams all flock to the event to prove their fitness against a stacked field - and in 2016 many of you cheered on Kim from afar as she fought her way to an impressive 7th overall finish at the Granite Games finals (click here to read more about it).

Kim's 16th place finish in the qualifier this year put her only 6 spots out of a return trip to Minnesota, so we know that with another year of rehab & training under her belt she's going to be a force to be reckoned with at the 2019 Granite Games and beyond. 

PS - if any of you newer Arena Ready members have seen the "Kim Tom Eye Chart" shirts at the gym but didn't understand the reference, here's a little history lesson for ya (click for details). 

#MiniMighty #FittestOptometristinSF #IfYouDontKnowNowYouKnow 


WOD For 07-10-18:

Every 2 Minutes For 7 Rounds (14 Minutes):

3 Back Squats


Week 4 of this sequence.  if possible add to your loading from 07-03-18.

Quickly warm-up to a working weight prior to the first round, then either climb in small jumps or stay at a challenging weight across several (or all) of the seven rounds.




3 Rounds For Max Reps (0:45 Seconds Per Movement / 0:15 Seconds Rest Between Movements):

Pistols (alternating)


Single Dumbbell Hang Clean to Overhead @ 50/35 lbs (switch sides whenever you like) 


This workout is 9 minutes long - there is no rest minute between rounds.  Score is total reps completed across all 3 rounds.

Jenny Morgan