Monday Deads and Dubs

This one might hurt your soul a little but it shouldn't hurt your back.  And just as we did last Monday we hit back side then front side by following-up with a Tabata Hollow Rocks scored by total reps.  Those hollow body positions should be getting dialed-in for many of you by now!

Hope you all had a great weekend. 

WOD For 07-09-18:

AMRAP 3 Minutes:

3 Deadlifts @ 315/225 lbs

15 Double Unders


AMRAP 3 Minutes:

3 Deadlifts @ 275/185 lbs

25 Double Unders


AMRAP 3 Minutes:

3 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs

35 Double Unders


Rest 3 minutes between AMRAPs.  Change the weight during your rest periods.

(Compare to 10-26-17, 09-29-16)





Hollow Rocks


Just as we did last week we will score this by TOTAL reps.

Jenny Morgan