Air Hopping

Who remembers the deck-to-pistol-stick-jump-over (or as I used to call it the "burpee pistol jump")?  Click on that hyper-link for a little refresher courtesy of "Air Hopping."  


If you can do one deck-to-pistol-box-jump-over and completely clear your box when doing Wednesday's AMRAPs then you get to skip all the box jumps and pistols for that round and go straight to hang power cleans...

I'm KIDDING.  Sort of.

WOD For 07-18-18:

Hang Power Clean:






A) AMRAP 6 Minutes:

9 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

6 Pistols (alternate)

3 Hang Power Cleans @ 185/135 lbs


... Rest 3 Minutes, Then...


B) AMRAP 3 Minutes:

9 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

6 Pistols (alternate)

3 Hang Power Cleans @ 185/135 lbs


Re-start the AMRAP in part B and score this as two separate AMRAPs (i.e. not a continuous or cumulative score).

Jenny Morgan