The KB Snatch
The KB Snatch can be a challenging - and at times awkward - movement for some but often it stems from a misunderstanding of the positions and sequencing (or "line of action") of the exercise. In the video below you'll notice that the movement is initiated with a hinge (hips push back, KB reaches behind the athlete, torso comes forward while maintaining a flat back) and NOT a squat (hips drop straighter down, KB does not reach behind, torso stays relatively upright) which is a common fault.
You'll also notice that once the hips and legs extend to drive the KB the athlete's elbow stays in close to the body (and does not extend away from the body like in a KB swing) as the bell starts to become weightless -- you can observe this in the middle image in the freeze frame below. Then, then active "punch" overhead to catch or receive the bell must be aggressive and with a bit of a loose grip to allow for the turnover -- "death-gripping" the bell as it turns over will result in the KB flopping over and bashing the forearm until it's black & blue.
I like to think of the movement sequence as "hike the KB behind me > squeeze my butt & quads to drive it > elbow in close to ribs > punch up to raise my hand in class" -- in that exact order 1, 2, 3, 4 like you mean it with confidence.
Booyeah. Say no to bruised forearms!
WOD For 07-20-18:
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
20 KB Snatches @ 53/35 lbs (switch sides after 10 reps)
20 Burpee Over KB
40 Walking Lunges