The "August Open Gym Challenge" Winners

Congratulations to the official winners of our "August Open Gym Challenge" - Hillary and Steven!

Several teams put their fitness to the test over the last four Sundays and in the end Hill and Steven had the fastest official time (24:17).  Shout out to James and Milgram for the fastest "unofficial" time (20:15... wow!!!) which sadly did not satisfy the committee's rulebook check, but was quite impressive nonetheless.

Sarah and I tried our best to beat those times but fell short in our effort this Sunday (24:49).  In other words, I started out hot and tried to hold on as best I could while Sarah dragged me through the ski and bike with slight concerns that I might spontaneously combust.

Hill and Steven will receive their winner's prize packs during the first week of September and we'll be posting the new "September Open Gym" challenge early next week as well.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

WOD For 08-27-18:

Push Press:

12 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Triple (not a 3RM)




AMRAP 10 Minutes:

20 KB Snatches @ 53/35 lbs (switch sides after 10 reps)

15 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20 in

10 Handstand Push-ups

Jenny Morgan