Labor Day "Loredo"

Final reminder that the gym is closed on Monday but Coach Kim is leading our Labor Day Track WOD at CCSF Track (AKA George Rush Stadium).  The hero workout "Loredo" has become the annual AR tradition for Labor Day thanks to Kim's astute programming last year at this time.

Meeting time is 9:00am sharp on Monday morning and we'll all gather at the base of the parking lot (Google map 324 Havelock Street for directions to where Kim will take our head count before we make our way down to the track).  

Kim will have scaling ready for all levels and has also graciously offered to run two heats so that parents can bring their kiddos and "do the switch-off" allowing both parental units to get their fitness on... boom, no excuses yo. 

See you there!

WOD For 09-03-18:


6 Rounds For Time:

24 Air Squats

24 Push-ups

24 Walking Lunges

400m Run


(Compare to 09-04-17)

Workout courtesy of  

Jenny Morgan