Friday Barbell Therapy: An "Express" Total

Friday's Barbell Therapy takes a bit of a different turn this week as we go from our usual Olympic-style weightlifting exercises/lifts to a more powerlifting focus with an "express" version of the CrossFit Total.

Why "express" you ask?  Because in order to truly work up to 1-Rep Max territory in all three lifts (as the traditional CrossFit Total calls for) most people would require more time to build-up in weight, and more time to rest between sets & movements.  Thus the prescription of our "express" version of this workout states "heavy single" for each movement -- meaning the heaviest single rep you can do for today, given the conditions, and given the specific time restriction.  This concept is nothing new to you folks since we lift often, and lift fast most of the time.  Ain't nobody got time for slow-mo fitness.

If you need some extra TLC to get your body ready to lift in this fashion then try to come in to the gym a little early to extend your own personal warm-up (e.g. row/bike/ski for a bit, roll out thoroughly, mobilize your challenge areas).  But either way remember the intended stimulus of this version of the CF Total -- heavy singles with good technique, not grip-and-rip-to-max-out-bruh-cause-we-be-short-on-time-but-long-on-expectations.  Your body will thank you for it over the weekend when the total poundage you lifted across the entire WOD (i.e. the actual cumulative work you accomplished) was still high, but you also felt good enough to train again on Saturday and/or Sunday... or good enough to just enjoy the weekend with some $25 eggs you didn't have to cook yourself. 

Happy Friday!  

WOD For 09-07-18:

"The CrossFit Total EXPRESS"

On a Strict Running Clock...

A) 0:00 - 15:00

Back Squat:

15 minutes to establish a heavy single


B) 15:00 - 23:00

Strict Press:

8 minutes to establish a heavy single


A) 23:00 - 35:00


12 minutes to establish a heavy single

Jenny Morgan