Look What You Did You Little Jerk
Many holiday seasons ago at the gym one of the most popular QoDs was about identifying one’s own favorite holiday film — and Seth (one of our longest tenured members) did not disappoint when citing his favorite festive cinematic piece, Die Hard. Yes folks, Die Hard.
Well, technically it IS a holiday movie. Sort of...
Well played, Seth. Well played indeed:
Most of you should recognize that catchy tune from my favorite festive Pandora station (which I hope someone has been playing while I’ve been gone): "Run-D.M.C. Holiday"
Zach had possibly the most creative favorite, stating that "if the holiday season extends this far then Groundhog Day is my favorite film."
I don't actually think that Groundhog Day is considered within the traditional limits of "the holiday season" per se, so I'm going to give him a red light on this one. Sorry, Zach. The movie is, however, the best Harold Ramis film that's been made, so it is worth posting a little clip of the original trailer.
I can hear many of you out there collectively talking to your computer screens right now in exasperation, and it sounds something like "What the f**k?! No way... best Ramis film?! You're out of your mind, Rob."
Yeah, that's right, I said it. Come at me, bro:
Relax, people. I'm not saying the others aren't great as well. They are, obvi. Well, except for Analyze This - that one was terrible. At least we can agree on that, right?
And since the long awaited sequel to Anchorman was released 6 holiday seasons ago, we may be sitting around a yule log ten years from now saying something like, "Oh, my favorite holiday film you ask? Well that's easy. Anchorman 2. Duh."
I'm thinking Ron Burgundy would be a fan of our strong women at Arena Ready. Exhibit A:
See, I tied this all into CrossFit eventually. Patience is a virtue.
And finally, since Home Alone has a big soft spot in my heart at this time of year, here's the one and only, Uncle Frank McCallister, with those famous words we all know so well:
Oh, Uncle Frank.
This ends my random stream of consciousness on the topic of holiday, and not-so-holiday, films vis-à-vis CrossFit.
Happy Holidays, everyone.
WOD For 12-24-19:
“Arena Ready’s Christmas Gone Bad”
3 Rounds For Max Reps (0:45 Work Per Movement / 0:15 Rest Between Movements):
American Jingle Bell Swings @ 53/35 lbs
Up on The Box Tops Jump, Jump, Jump @ 24/20 in
Deck The Halls With Wall Balls of Holly @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
How The Burpees Stole Christmas
Row Santa’s Sleigh For Calories
(Rest 1:15 Between Rounds With Oat Milk & Gluten-Free Cookies)