The Open Is For All of Us! (And PS Check The Lost & Found)

Hey look, you’re going to do this cool WOD on Saturday. Because you like working out on Saturdays at AR… it’s fun, the energy is high, the place is bustling, people are happy & socializing, you get to see your gym buddies that you may not see during the work week, and the workouts are usually pretty tough (which you love).

Guess what, Saturday exerciser? For 5 consecutive Saturday’s starting on Feb 23rd there’s a cool little worldwide fitness event that lots of your AR homies will be participating in because, well… it’s fun, the energy is high, the place is bustling, people are happy & socializing, you get to see your gym buddies that you may not see during the work week, and the workouts are usually pretty tough (which you love).

You get my point.

Don’t be that person who works out on Saturdays at AR anyway but is not entered in the Open — trust me when I say that the handful of people that do that end up wishing they had just signed up to officially participate in the first place. And yes, you can do the Open workout on Sunday at Open Gym if you can’t make it on Saturday — and if you’re traveling for any of the weeks then one of the many (fourteen thousand now?) CrossFit affiliates around the world who are also doing the Open will surely be near your stay and can host you for that week’s Open workout.

Register this weekend and maybe I won’t torture all of you again with another week of Karen variations and burpee tick-or-treats. It’s from a place of love, people.


Speaking of a place of love— the gym’s Lost & Found is full of things that many of you must love and are sad they are missing from your life. I’ll tell you what’s not sad… me when we donate what’s left over in the Lost & Found to charity. I’m like the King of KonMari and if Marie Kondo left her first pair of weightlifting shoes here I’d have them out on the street faster than you can say “vertical fold” because, quite frankly, her weightlifting technique doesn’t spark any joy in my heart. Let’s be honest her cleans suck.

So please check the Lost & Found before we donate the items on Feb 18th. Thanks!

WOD For 02-09-19:

Remember the format of last Saturday’s WOD? Well this is a very similar format but with a different mix of movements. AND a little extra treat during your “rest” period… because A) who doesn’t love more wall balls and B) not enough of you are signed up for the Open.

In Teams of THREE…

AMRAP 27 Minutes:

40 Double Unders

8 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs

8 Lateral Bar Burpees

*Only one athlete working at a time and MUST COMPLETE ONE FULL ROUND before switching.

*During your rest" period you MUST COMPLETE 10 UNBROKEN WALL BALLS (Rx = 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft)

*The next athlete may start on her Double Unders as soon as the previous athlete completes his final Lateral Bar Burpee — but only if her set of 10 Wall Balls has also been completed.

Jenny Morgan