Power, Pulling, and Pistols

Looking ahead for that weekend on a Thursday like…


I’m not sure why but this picture of Zach reminds of…

Probably because Chad said something about NKOTB, and he and I are both old enough to remember these sweet dance moves.

WOD For 03-28-19:

Alternating EMOM For 4 Rounds (8 Minutes):

1) 3 Power Cleans

2) 3 Scap Pull-ups + 1 Max L-Sit

*Climb in load on the barbell to a weight heavier than to be used in Part 2 below

*The L-Sit is performed immediately following the scap pull-ups (without dropping to re-set the grip) and should be scaled to a Chair (or "Tuck") Sit if you cannot hold the L position for at least 15 seconds


7 Rounds For Time:

5 Strict Pull-ups

7 Power Cleans 185/135 lbs

9 Pistols (alternate)

Jenny Morgan