The Return of The Sweaty Saturday Team WOD!

Oh how we’ve missed you, Saturday Sweat Sessions With Friends… this one in particular is going to require some teamwork, communication, and a solid game plan thanks to the “creativity” allowed in completing the movements and reps.

Happy weekend, friends.

WOD For 03-30-19:

In Teams of THREE For Time:

350 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

250 Calorie Row (Co-ed Teams = 225 Cal / FFF Teams = 200 Cal)

150 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20 in (you must FACE the box, step-ups ARE allowed)

*Teams can complete the movements and reps in any order or combination.

*2 athletes may be working at the same time on different stations but 1 athlete MUST always be "resting" (AKA waiting to switch).

*Game plan how your team will split the work into pre-set rounds & reps with planned transitions.  

*Time is called when all reps for all three movements are complete (OR score by total reps at the 30 minute cap if not complete).

Jenny Morgan