Sweaty Saturday Special: The Dumbbell Thruster
It’s just like the barbell thruster, except a tiny bit spicier (how bad could it be, it looks so harmless in the video). But remember, if you drop the dumbbells at any point it means two things:
1) You’re not strong enough to be using that weight in the first place
2) Coach Hillary will tackle you from a sprinting start
XOXO and Happy Weekend!
WOD For 07-13-19:
With a Partner AMRAP 25 Minutes:
500m Ski or Row
10 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20 in (facing box not required)
20 Dumbbell Thrusters @ 50/35 lbs (each side)
60 Double Unders
Only one athlete working at a time, switch whenever you like.