Flash Flash Hundred Yard Dash
Apparently Sarah posted a video of a sloth yesterday in response to some QoD commentary.
Well, here’s Day 2 in a row of sloth videos BECAUSE DAD JOKES.
WOD For 07-17-19:
***Superset 7-10 Hollow Rocks Between Sets, Including Your Warm-up Sets.
“Running Christine”
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
12 Deadlifts @ Bodyweight
21 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in
Since the above video puts us somewhat on the topic of the DMV… sure go ahead and use your weight as listed on your current driver’s license AKA your “media guide weight.” Unless, of course, your driver’s license is like mine and puts you at 15-20 lbs under Rx LMAO.