Sloth Attack!

We were going to be done with the sloth videos, but today Sormeh admitted that she was a little hurt that we didn’t credit her with the great sloth question, so, to make it up to her, a sloth video to answer her question.

What happens if a sloth tries to attack you?

Based on Googling, it turns out sloths actually can claw and bite humans, but they usually don’t. So, don’t try to befriend them or anything, but you’re probably safe in the event of an unexpected encounter.

Also, for today’s workout, it’s only 9 minutes, so it’s probably best to go faster than a sloth. Even one who’s chasing you.

WOD for 07-18-19:

Hang Power Snatch
10-8-6-4-2-[4 DROP SET]


AMRAP 9 Min:
27 Double Under
21 Cal Row
15 Hang Power Snatch @ 115/75 lbs.
9 Ring Dip

Jenny Morgan