Because I Was Inverted

REMINDER about our upcoming holiday schedule for July 4th & 5th (click for details).

Here's a great Wednesday QoD, and a favorite from the past: "What popular movie that people always talk about/reference/quote have you NEVER seen?"

In years past this QoD really sparked some discussion and friendly exasperation - particularly in the private Arena Ready Facebook group, where the 2017 thread on the topic had well over 150 comments/replies.  As it turns out some of you HAVE NEVER SEEN THE MOVIE TOP GUN AND HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?!  I mean, Coach Lisa even streamed the movie at her wedding reception - yeah, that's right, she streamed it on the walls of Foreign Cinema for all of her wonderful guests to enjoy as modern cinematic art while they celebrated her big day.  BECAUSE IT'S TOP FREAKING GUN.

July 3rd is, rather conveniently, one Tom Cruise's 57th birthday - or so the Operating Thetans would have us believe. And so, for every class on Wednesday, we'll be listening to Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins on the gym speakers and playing this clip on loop in the background:

You're welcome.  

And Happy Birthday, Tom.  May your sequel be fruitful and your Operating Thetan level be 8 (AKA OT VIII) soon enough.  

As for Wednesday's WOD it doesn't get more simple than this - and often the simple movement combos are the most challenging.  As a compliment to Monday's meaty HSPU and hip-hinge AMRAP and Thursday's upcoming hero WOD, it will be interesting on Wednesday to see if any athletes can hold 33+ and 8+, respectively, on this alternating double trouble Tabata (particularly after some heavy back squat triples)... 

WOD FOR 07-03-19:

Every 2 Minutes For 7 Rounds (14 Minutes):

3 Back Squats

Start at a challenging weight and either make small increases each round (or every few rounds) OR stay at a weight for multiple rounds.

If possible add to your loading from last week 06-26-19.




Alternating Double Tabata:

Double Unders



Unlike Monday's hollow rocks, score this by the LOWEST rep round for both of the movements.

(Compare to 07-03-18, 04-12-13) 

Jenny Morgan