July 4th Holiday Hero WOD: "Hotshots 19"

REMINDER about our upcoming holiday schedule for July 4th & 5th (click for details).

The hero WOD "Hotshots 19" has become a tradition on the 4th of July at Arena Ready, and we hope you join us for this challenging workout on Thursday. Please make sure to cancel ASAP if you're not able to make it in (and had previously signed-up for a class), so that someone can take your spot.  Please also make sure not to double-book yourself for more than one class - be considerate to your fellow members!

We wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July.

WOD FOR 07-04-19:

"Hotshots 19"

6 Rounds For Time:

30 Air Squats

19 Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs

7 Strict Pull-ups

400m Run


(Compare to 07-04-18, 07-04-17, 07-04-16 and 07-04-14)

Jenny Morgan