Impromptu Introduction to CrossFit: This Saturday!

Thanks to a series of Arena Ready Moratorium Violators who shall not be named (LOL), and the recent increased interest (more than the usual!) from potential newcomers, we’ve decided to run an impromptu-ish “Introduction to CrossFit” class this Saturday, August 3rd, at 12:00pm.

If you know anyone who has been waiting to get in, but prefers not to delay until our regular quarterly On-Boarding, then tell ‘em to sign-up and come on down if they’re able. They can register for the FREE class here and we will look forward to meeting them!

WOD For 08-03-19:

"Loco Moco v3.0" AKA “Shotwell”

With a Partner For Time:

BUY-IN: 1298m Row OR 1000m Ski

Then BOTH Partners Complete...


Hang Power Cleans @ 155/110 lbs

Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

BUY-OUT: 1298m Row OR 1000m Ski


Both partners must complete the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sequence, with one partner working at a time to complete a FULL ROUND before switching (e.g. Partner A performs 10 HPCs and 10 BBJs, then Partner B performs 10 HPCs and 10 BBJs). 

The row/ski can be shared in any fashion and does not have to be split evenly.

Jenny Morgan