3-2-1 Contact

Sorry, no Tuesday (or Monday) main site WOD this week… instead an Arena Ready original, with some nostalgia mixed-in because that’s just how we roll.

If you're around my age, were at least moderately (and perhaps proudly) nerdy as a child, and were allowed to watch educational public television, then you likely know this opening theme fairly well.

When I originally named Tuesday's WOD I looked up the old "3-2-1 Contact" opening theme and was pleasantly surprised & reminded of how many times that opening sequence actually includes sports movements and activities.  It literally shows athletes doing gymnastics, throwing (which is closely related to weightlifting), and jumping in various forms.

How serendipitous indeed…    

WOD For 08-27-19:

"3-2-1 Contact"

15 Rounds For Time:

3 Box Jumps @ 30/24 in

2 Ring Muscle-ups

1 Clean @ 225/155 lbs

Jenny Morgan