Sunday Picnic For Sparkle

As we mentioned in Thursday’s blog post we’ll be gathering for a picnic in Precita Park on Sunday following Open Gym. We invite the entire Arena Ready community to come and be around supportive friends to grieve the loss of our one and only Sparkle. Come as you are, bring what you wish, and tell each other stories about our dear friend and swolemate.

WOD For 09-14-19:

“AMRAP Team Fight Club”

With a Partner Against a 25-Minute Clock:


… then, in the remaining time AMRAP of…

30 Thrusters @ 95/65 lbs

30 Power Cleans

30 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

30 Pull-ups

30 Calorie Row, Ski, or Assault Bike (FM Pairs = 27 Cal, FF Pairs = 24 Cal)

*The faster runner starts on the thrusters immediately and does NOT have to wait for their partner to complete the run.

*One athlete working at a time on the AMRAP, switch whenever you like (tagging not required).

Jenny Morgan