Sweaty Saturday Special Sauce

If you’re the partner who runs faster then congratulations… you get to start the 2nd round of thrusters and the row first. Happy weekend, fitness friends!

WOD For 01-11-20:

With a Partner, Against a 24-Minute Clock For MAX CALORIES:


2 Rounds of…

15-12-9 (one person at a time, complete the full movement then switch)

Dumbbell Thrusters @ 35/20 lbs per side

Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

400m Run with Med Ball @ 20/14 lbs per person (run together)


MAX CALORIE Row, Ski, or Assault Bike (one person at a time, switch whenever)

***10 Lateral Burpees-over-Rower Every Time You Switch (one person at a time, switch whenever… if rowing or skiing the burpees are over a dumbbell)

For Part A both athletes must each complete the full reps of the 15-12-9 sequence, with one working at at time to finish a movement before switching — for example:

Partner A does 15 Thrusters

Partner B does 15 Thrusters

Partner A does 15 C2B Pull-ups

Partner B does 15 C2B Pull-ups


The faster runner may start immediately on the 2nd round of thrusters (you do not have to wait for your partner to complete the run, but they do need to complete their thrusters before C2B pull-ups can start).

Your score is the total number of calories completed at the end of 24 minutes.

Jenny Morgan