Upper Push > Lower Push
Monday’s upper pushing focus (hello shoulders!) transitions into Tuesday’s lower pushing focus as we attack some heavy squats and then a short, intense conditioning piece. Not to worry, friends who like it lower & slower, some longer aerobic pieces await us as the week develops — but first, SKWATS!
WOD For 01-07-20:
Back Squat:
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
15 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
5 Burpee Box Jumps @ 30/24 in
If you’re concerned about clearing the box at the Rx height, especially given the movement combination (where did my legs go?!), then scale down and keep your shins happy. In fact, if you cannot land above parallel on the box when starting this WOD you should scale down — the jumping action is intended to be an explosive movement under fatigue, and not an experiment of how one can contort themselves into a crumpled ball when landing on top (you know who you are).